Sunday, July 20, 2008


It took me like an hour to try to figure out a name for this blog. I tried to steer clear of my current nicknames like Snuggles, Snugglebear, Bear, Bearenstein, Chubbs, Captain, and others just in case I keep this going past the use of said names. I thought about "The _____ of Your Future President." But I decided I don't want what I write when I'm in my early twenties to come back to bite me in the ass when I'm 50 and running for president. Then I turned my thoughts to playing off of this being my second blogging attempt. "The Second Coming" seemed all too perfect, given my tendency to make fun of religion and my megalomania (Kidding. I'm actually quite modest. In fact, I'm probably the most modest person you'll ever meet.) Plus, I think it'd be funny if people searching for the second coming were directed to me. Anyway, I just enjoy the irony of the title.

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